Our Sustainability Efforts

At Millennium Hotels & Resorts (MHR), we understand that our business has an impact on the environment. We recognise the need to look at the impact our business operations have on the environment (local and global) and take steps to achieve sound environmental sustainability. Since 2019, MHR has set a Science-Based Target to reduce our absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions by 27% by 2030 from a 2017 base year.
Our aim is to address these issues without compromising the quality of our product and services to our guests.

We have sought to minimise the environmental impact of our operations by actively focusing on three key areas:
- Energy
We are taking steps to reduce energy consumption and increase energy efficiency, where practicable. These include initiatives such as retrofitting/installing LED lights, installing guestroom motion sensors and using heat pumps.
- Water
We aim to reduce water intensity through initiatives such as installing water sub-meters, water saving devices or systems, where practicable.
- Waste
We aim to reduce waste to landfill by reducing waste generated from our operations. We have reduced our waste through initiatives such as introducing bulk bathroom amenities, improving waste segregation/recycling processes and, where practicable, use food waste digestors for our food waste. We also look to reduce or eliminate single use plastics where possible.

We work closely with our suppliers to understand how they address any social or environmental issues. Below are examples of some guiding principles:
- We expect our suppliers to demonstrate effective management of energy use, greenhouse gas emissions, water use, waste, pollution, resource use and biodiversity.
- We question whether suppliers have appropriate corporate governance arrangements in place to operate in an ethical and sustainable manner, whilst encouraging diversity and equal opportunities throughout their business.
- We request and review information on their reduction of packaging, environmental policies and sustainable transport plans prior to contracts being signed.
- Wherever practical, we purchase products made from local, renewable and ethically sound sources. Specific focus is placed on using suppliers that reduce emissions and air pollution from food miles and our aim is to use suppliers with a demonstrable commitment to sustainable production methods.

Supporting Our
We strive to make a positive impact on our customers and the communities that we serve through jobs, training opportunities and supporting local charities. Here are a few examples.
Millennium Hotels and Resorts New Zealand partners with Save the Kiwi, a leading New Zealand conservation charity for the preservation of Aotearoa’s national icon, kiwi.

Copthorne Hotel Merry Hill took part in the annual charity Black Country Duck Race in support of the Mary Stevens Hospice.

Millennium Hotels and Resorts Singapore supports Community Chest Singapore's Change for Charity initiative.